The Multicultural Health Foundation

The Multicultural Health Foundation

What they do & why we invested

The Multicultural Health Foundation brings health justice and wellness to the multicultural communities of San Diego County by focusing resources on the most vulnerable populations that will lead to the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities. Their programs focus on improving the health of chronically ill patients and increasing their participation in preventive healthcare.

Due to COVID-19, the Multicultural Health Foundation has seen a decline or delay in expected revenue from philanthropic grants while seeing an extraordinary increase in demand for their services and the need to address the comorbidity between COVID-19 and prediabetes, diabetes, and other high-risk diseases. To address these concerns, the foundation shifted its model to focus on people’s health at home, such as offering their pre-diabetes workshops virtually. The Multicultural Health Foundation secured a $3M contract with San Diego County to provide services in response to the pandemic. Capital from the loan will be used as cash flow to cover operational costs to execute this contract.

Impact Segment

COVID-19 economic recovery

Impact Vehicles

San Diego County COVID-19 Small Business & Nonprofit Loan Program (nonprofit loan pool)

Dates of Investments

November 2020

Impact Geography

San Diego County