(858) 880-0252 [email protected]
3 women business owners

Apply for a Loan

Loans for small businesses & nonprofits to help you grow and support your community

You are one loan away from growing your impact

We are here to make it easier for you to do more good.

More than a lender, we are your growth partner. We’re passionate about reconnecting capital and community. Learn more about your options below.

Who do we fund?

The bold, the optimistic.

Take the first step—schedule a call with a member of the team or start your application.

Stratia: A group of people pose for the camera

Advance California

  • For California-based small businesses & nonprofits creating an inclusive and sustainable economy
  • Working capital, equipment purchase, project finance, etc.
  • Check size: $100,000–$1.5 million
  • 11.5% interest rate + closing fee
  • 3–30 month terms
  • $250 application fee to start underwriting
  • No prepayment penalty fee
  • No credit scores required
  • No personal guarantees required
  • Islamic financing available
  • Revenue-based financing available
Retail business owners

Advance New Mexico

  • For New Mexico-based small businesses & nonprofits creating an inclusive and sustainable economy
  • Working capital, equipment purchase, project finance, etc.
  • Check size: $100,000–$2 million
  • Up to 12% interest rate + closing fee
  • 3-month to 5-year terms
  • $250 application fee to start underwriting
  • No prepayment penalty fee
  • No credit scores required
  • No personal guarantees required
  • Islamic financing available
  • Revenue-based financing available
Legendary Stucco

Subcontractor Financing (Southern California)

  • For diverse-led small businesses in or expanding to San Diego and/or Imperial counties
  • Working capital, equipment purchase, project finance, etc.
  • Check size: $100,000–$500,000
  • 11.5% interest rate + closing fee
  • 3–30 month terms
  • $250 application fee to start underwriting
  • No prepayment penalty fee
  • No credit scores required
  • No personal guarantees required
  • Islamic financing available
  • Revenue-based financing available
Michelle Pusateri, Nana Joes Granola

Advance Climate (United States)

    • For businesses in rural areas
    • Entities advancing regenerative agriculture
    • Check size: $200,000 minimum
    • Interest rate: Up to 11.5%
    • Working capital, equipment purchase, project finance & similar needs for affordable credit
    • Committed to regenerative food system techniques & benefits

    Learn more about this loan program.

    What our borrowers are saying

    “We initially approached a regular bank for our pre-development loan because of a lower interest rate, but time was running out for us to close a deal. The lending system is not designed for newer developers like us; there are too many requirements that all cost too much time and money to fulfill. We approached Mission Driven Finance and soon realized the interest rate is well worth it. Their team is very responsive, and the loan process was fast and fluid.”
    Cyrus Rapinan
    Managing Partner & Principal Broker, Tower 999 / Cyrus & Emilia Investments, LLC (portfolio company)
    Cyrus Rapinan
    "The loan from the LACI Cleantech Debt Fund enabled us to develop our technology and set the stage for our company to grow. With the capital, we were able to buy equipment and make payroll for the 10 people on our team—all while awaiting a reimbursement from a grant. We are thankful to the fund for being there at our greatest time of need."
    Wilson Hago, Hago Energetics
    “This loan and another that Mission Driven Finance facilitated with Alliance Healthcare Foundation and Union Bank were integral to San Diego Health Connect moving into 2021. Thanks in large part to the bridge funding...We were profitable in 2021 and are now in a sustainable place. It felt like the Mission Driven Finance team wanted us to get through the finish line and they were partners in the process.”
    Stephanie Renick
    Director of Operations, San Diego Health Connect (portfolio company)
    Stephanie Renick, San Diego Health Connect
    "The process of working with Mission Driven Finance gave us a chance to look at every component of the business so we can be in the strongest position to serve our students."
    Bethany Chaffin, Friends of Willow Tree
    “When Mission Driven Finance backed us last year, we only made half a million the year before. If we didn’t have the financing to show that we could start a $1 million contract, we couldn’t have scaled this quickly or this high. The foundation set by Mission Driven Finance led to more lucrative opportunities.”
    Wyllie-James Family
    Founders, Vested Solutions (portfolio company)
    Vested Solutions logo
    "I am beyond grateful to you and the entire Mission Driven Finance team for believing in us. Without your support and willingness to work with us, we wouldn’t be here today."
    Marlayna Bollinger
    Executive Director, Skinny Gene Project (portfolio company)
    Marlayna Bollinger, Skinny Gene Project
    “It was a dream come true to get a loan with Mission Driven Finance. Getting the funding felt like a feather in our cap because it validated our mission—the special sauce that adds meaning to what we do. It made it that much more real.”
    Kristopher Schlesser
    Founder, LuckyBolt (portfolio company)
    Kris Schlesser, LuckyBolt
    “Mission Driven Finance asked good questions. The collaboration is very clear—It was more than just a loan; the relationship continues to bring about positive ripple effects.”
    Jeff Wiemann, Angels Foster Family Network
    "Mission Driven Finance created opportunities for Moniker Group to get healthy debt that we weren't able to get otherwise. The team took a chance on us. The capital put us in a healthier position—we started with 25 employees and are now at 120 (45 of whom are full-time). We are here and still around, having survived COVID and expanding thanks in part to this partnership. We are super grateful for Mission Driven Finance and are looking to the team for another round of funding."
    Ryan Sisson
    Founder & CEO, Moniker Group (portfolio company)
    Ryan Sisson, Moniker
    “The Mission Driven Finance loan is a blessing. It allows me to build a financial base and pursue this huge growth opportunity. The funding can help me grow the incubator.”
    Natache Muschette, The Prep Institute
    "Mission Driven Finance was very helpful; their team understood what was important for ChargeNet Stations as a startup. We were happy with the interest rate, and found the loan structure, payment terms, and covenants very easy."
    Michael Zimmerman
    Chief Financial Officer, ChargeNet Stations (portfolio company)
    Michael Zimmerman, ChargeNet Stations
    "We started out with $1 million in revenue in 2019 and now report $5 million in revenue just two years later. We started out with eight employees and now employ 34. This tremendous growth couldn't have happened without the support of partners like Mission Driven Finance. While we are now in a better position to work with banks and other traditional lenders, we would still love to continue to work with Mission Driven Finance for our path of growth and success."
    Tri Le
    Co-founder & CEO, Microtek (portfolio company)
    Tri Le, Microtek
    "Your team’s commitment to community and doing good is really inspiring. You stuck with us to make this happen—thankful for your partnership."
    Karen Begin
    Director of Development, San Diego Habitat for Humanity (portfolio company)
    Karen Begin, San Diego Habitat for Humanity
    "Their team took the time to understand our needs and build relationships, and they were open and transparent throughout the whole loan process. I loved that they involved the Community Finance Fellows in the work, which aligns with our own focus on mentorship."
    Kerri Leslie
    Founder & CEO, Verity Packaging (portfolio company)
    Kerri Leslie, Verity Packaging

    Take the first step in getting a loan

    Mission Driven Finance submark

    Frequently asked questions

    General questions

    How are you different from banks or other lenders?

    Mission Driven Finance (MDF) is a social impact investment firm and lender that seeks to support social impact in all of our investments. We lend to small businesses and nonprofit organizations that are agents of change in their communities.

    What credit score should we have for applying for a loan with Mission Driven Finance?

    We don’t require personal credit scores or personal guarantees. Your personal finances shouldn’t determine the fate of your business.

    How can an organization prepare for a loan? 

    Ensure that your business plan and finances are in order. We talk through your business plans and financial projections and talk with management to see how you think about your community, how you’re growing your business with coaching and support, and the opportunity the organization has to grow. 

    We still check the business history, so get your balance sheet (statement of financial position for nonprofits) and income statement or profit & loss ready for review. 

    How will the money from the loan be used?

    Be ready to clearly explain what you need the capital for and how you plan to repay it. The money could be used as general working capital, cash flow bridges, purchase order financing, and things that will help increase the organization’s operations. 

    The path to repayment is important, as it makes it clear to the borrower and the lender how the loan will help the organization grow and demonstrate the organization’s ability to pay back a loan.

    Additionally, as an impact investment firm, we want to know how money from a loan will help you make a positive impact in your community.

    How does impact investing make a difference?

    Impact investing makes the “unbanked” bankable, shifting the perspective of risk and driving capital to organizations that are trying to create positive social impacts in the community (e.g., creating jobs that pay a living wage, increasing opportunity in BIPOC communities, providing other social benefits). 

    What is the challenge for some organizations to obtain financing? 

    Some of the challenges faced by many, including small businesses and nonprofits, are banking history and credit score requirements. Some banks have risk criteria that create the case for a “no” rather than finding a way to get to a “yes.” 

    We try to do the exact opposite of that—looking for ways to say yes to tenacious small businesses and nonprofits. Yes to their vision for impact, yes to their plans for growth, and yes to their understanding of what kind of capital they need and when to realize those plans.

    What level of technical assistance do you offer to small businesses/nonprofits? 

    We work closely with small businesses/nonprofits to really understand how they operate and what’s the best solution for them. As such, we work on making sure that you have all the necessary information compiled that would help you with us or any other lender. We work closely with your organization to understand how unique you are and how we can best structure a solution for you. In addition, if your organization is not aligned with MDF, we will do our best to connect you to aligned lenders in our network that might be able to help you. 

    What types of organizations do you work with? Does impact have to be a core value to my organization?

    You don’t need to be an impact company with a formal mission statement, but we do want to see that you are committed to your community—your workers, your clients/customers, or others. We work with all kinds of organizations that want to create a positive impact on the local economy. We understand that different organizations may have different impact values, but we work closely with you to help you be more intentional about impact. 

    How does the process for Mission Driven Finance work?

    We have a simple and transparent process that makes sure that we’re both aligned with the same end goal:

    • We have an initial screening call to get to know you and also to respect your time as a busy leader. 
    • If it looks like a match, we’ll walk through our lending platform so you get a preview of what to expect in uploading more information. 
    • Once you submit your necessary documents, we will schedule an organizational meeting with your team to see how your organization operates.
    • Lastly, we will walk you through the closing process and keep in touch with you to hear about your great progress!

    What kind of documents will I need for the loan process?

    To get started, we’d need your organization’s birth certificates (e.g. business model,  bylaws, organizational chart, filing status), financial statements, and impact documents.

    For nonprofits

    I am a nonprofit organization. Am I eligible for financing? 

    Why, yes! We at Mission Driven Finance love all the great work that nonprofits do for their communities and wish to support them however possible. We take a holistic approach, making sure that financing works for you, and take the harder road of understanding how your organization works and how we can help out.

    My organization often has cash flow challenges due to the reimbursement/milestone grant/funding that we receive. Will this be an issue?

    The more complicated the issue, the more interested we are in solving those pain points. This will not be an issue whatsoever, we understand that timing is not always perfect but we work around it by understanding the nature of revenue models and offer financing solutions during those necessary times.

    We focus more on grants, donations, and fundraising than earned revenue (e.g. ticket sales, merchandise, etc.). Would we qualify for loan financing? 

    We will explore and understand your current contracts that you have and work out the best loan structure to meet your needs. Not every nonprofit is a good fit for a loan though, and we won’t make a loan if we believe it will unnecessarily burden your organization with debt. 

    For small businesses

    I’m a small business owner and just got my first big contract. Will you be able to help me meet the capital requirements for this contract?

    We’ll walk through your contract and impact plans to help you with the financing your business needs to make your business dreams come true.

    I’m a startup founder with a revolutionary business model. Banks have denied me financing opportunities. Will you?

    We’ll learn about your business to make sure that we can offer you the best form of financing during such an early stage of your business. Debt, with a fixed payment schedule, isn’t a good fit for pre-revenue companies—because what would you use to pay? However, if you have an LOI, purchase order, or contract that you’re working on, we could make that work!

    My business has gone through hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve suffered a loss of revenues and struggling to get back to normal. How can you help? 

    As such an important piece of the economy, we want to work closely with you to understand how we can help your business grow during the hardest of times. We’ll start by looking at your numbers and figuring out a viable financing solution together.

    My business has been doing good and I see an opportunity for it to grow. I have reached out to banks but they aren’t willing to lend me capital for growth. Will you?

    When others say no, we ask “why not?” We love to hear about businesses that are growing and need some financing to get to the next level. Let’s talk.

    My business depends heavily on accounts receivables. This often creates some cash flow challenges for day-to-day operations. Can you help with this?

    We know that time is of the essence and cash flow plays a huge role in growth for businesses. We don’t shy away from the most complicated account receivable structures; in fact, it’s what we love doing the most. Because we look at the impact you’ll create with this capital, our process isn’t a great fit for emergency or short-term loans under six months. 

    What does a loan look like month-to-month?

    Take a look at this blog post on amortization and loan terms.