(858) 880-0252 [email protected]

Tree San Diego

Tree San Diego

What they do & why we invested

Tree San Diego (TSD) is the leading urban forestry nonprofit for San Diego County. The team uses data-driven methods to educate people, plant trees, and provide care. TSD also makes use of end-of-life tree material to prevent it from going to the landfill. Through its new Branch Out San Diego program, Tree San Diego seeks to expand the tree canopy to better serve disadvantaged Indigenous and overlooked low-income San Diego communities.

Pre-COVID-19, Tree San Diego was maximizing community volunteers for tree planting and maintenance. Social distancing guidelines limit the organization’s ability to operate in-person and offer its Tree Steward educational programs, which bring in a portion of expected revenue. This loan serves as a bridge cash flow for the organization’s operating expenses, including payroll and materials for projects while they await reimbursement from grants.

Impact Segment

COVID-19 economic recovery

Impact Vehicles

San Diego County COVID-19 Small Business & Nonprofit Loan Program (nonprofit loan pool)

Dates of Investments

November 2020

Impact Geography

San Diego County