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Letters from Lauren: July 2024

Letters from Lauren: July 2024

Our team has had the privilege of presenting at roughly 20 convenings this year on topics as varied as public-private investment, access to capital for small businesses, investing in Indigenous economic development, innovative legal structures to activate philanthropic capital, financing community climate infrastructure, and the future of the care economy. This is what co-creating an inclusive economy looks like!

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Letters from Lauren: April 2024

Letters from Lauren: April 2024

Across recent projects, our goal remains the same: Getting capital into the hands of social impact-minded businesses, nonprofits, and initiatives that don’t usually qualify for conventional capital. In other words—flowing capital where it doesn’t, but should.

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$1 Million from Prebys Foundation to Bolster Child Care

$1 Million from Prebys Foundation to Bolster Child Care

The Conrad Prebys Foundation announces a $1 million program-related investment (PRI) in Care Access Real Estate (CARE) as part of their landmark commitment to invest $100 million over the next ten years advancing the well-being of San Diego.

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Letters from Lauren: May/June 2022

Letters from Lauren: May/June 2022

Reflecting on Memorial Day and the second anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, it’s easy to feel like we’re treading water as a society. But we believe in the power of freedom dreams and radical imagination to continue building a future that works for all.

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Philanthropy Now podcast: Multiplying grantmaking power with impact investing

Philanthropy Now podcast: Multiplying grantmaking power with impact investing

Hear how impact investing differs from traditional grantmaking, and how this philanthropic tool leverages financial capital and human resources to get important community projects off the ground. Learn how Mission Driven Finance, Social Finance, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation use this model to support especially underserved communities and address inequities in affordable housing, education, and more.

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